
သင္ဝမ္းနည္းေနတဲ့ အခ်ိန္မွာ
သင့္ရဲ႕မ်က္ရည္ကို နားလည္တဲ့
သင္ေပ်ာ္ရႊင္ေနတဲ့ အခ်ိန္မွာ
သင့္ရဲ႕ရယ္ေမာမႈကို နားလည္တဲ့
သူငယ္ခ်င္းေပါင္းမ်ားစြာထက္ သာပါတယ္....


'A'ccept you as you are.
'B'elieve in having fun.
'C'herish time together.
'D'ream big dreams.
'E'nrich, comfort and delight.
'F'ollow up and follow through.
'G'row forever memories.
'H'onor each other's feeling.
'I'nvite you into their hearts.
'J'ust call to say "How are you?"
'K'now when something's up.
'L'ove you, no matter what.
'M'ultiply joys and divide sorrows.
'N'urture each other's souls.
'O'vercome adversity together.
'P'ick you up when you are down.
'Q'uickly forgive and make up.
'R'emind you of your greatness.
'S'mile when they think of you.
'T'hrive on shared trust.
'U'nderstand when to 'just' listen.
'V'alue time together.
'W'alk with you, side by side.
'X'perience ups and down.
'Y'earn to stay connected.
'Z'est to live, love and laugh.


I'll always be beside u
Until the very end
Whiping all your tears away
Being your best friend
I'll smile when u smile
And feel all the pain u feel
And if u cry a single tear
I promise I'll cry too


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